TRIP MEETING MARCH 22 5:30PM; 2nd Floor Humanities Center

A Message from Dr. Hoffman
IMPORTANT !!!!!!! MEETING MARCH 22, 5:30PM, 2nd Floor Humanities Center
I hope that you are getting excited about our trip coming in June! It will be wonderful I think. However, there are lots of things that we still need to do to get ready. One of the most essential will be a trip meeting that we have scheduled for Wednesday, March 22 at 5:30 PM in the Humanities Center. The exact room location of the meeting will be announced as soon as we find out what will be open but it will be in one of the 2nd floor classrooms. In the meanwhile, please clear your schedules so that you can attend this meeting. It will take about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hour max.
At the meeting a representative of the Lee health clinic will tells what you all need to do to get cleared for travel to Turkey and Greece. Among other things, a current physical is required and a current Tetanus and Diphtheria immunization. The Lee health clinic representative will have a folder for each one of you with whatever information is on file there about you already. There will be a day scheduled later in the semester for you to get a relatively inexpensive physical done by Lee if you do not have a current one. That date and other details will be explained at the meeting. You can also get a physical done by your own physician.
Next, there are several forms and waivers required by Lee for everyone going on overseas trips. I'll have copies of these waivers and other forms and you will need to get them signed and notarized -- and, for some of you, you will need to get your parents to sign. There will be a day later in the semester where a "notary" will be available on campus to help you in process of completing these forms -- all this will be covered in the meeting as well.
I will also have preliminary course syllabi to hand out at the meeting and this will help you in knowing what books to buy and what the requirements will be for the courses.
Of course, I will also answer as best I can any questions that you may have!
In the meanwhile, keep checking the trip web site: for more information about the trip from Dr. Wineland.
Finally, it is absolutely essential that you get a passport as quickly as possible and then send the information from the passport picture page to Dr. Wineland including your name exactly as it appears on the passport, your date of birth, the day and year of issue of the passport, the day and year of the passport expiration, the place of issue of the passport (e.g. New Orleans, New York City, or whatever it says on your passport). Dr. Wineland's email is .
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again and I'm looking forward to a great trip with you all to Turkey and Greece!
Daniel Hoffman